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The Incredible Impact of Cell Therapy

Updated on Sep 24, 2024

Cell therapy is transforming medicine, offering new hope for patients with previously untreatable conditions. Imagine a world where damaged tissues can be repaired, immune systems recalibrated, and cancer targeted with precision—this is the promise of cell therapy.

What Is Cell Therapy?

Cell therapy involves administering live cells to a patient to repair or replace damaged tissues and cells. This approach leverages the body’s cellular machinery to combat diseases. The cells used in therapy can come from the patient (autologous) or a donor (allogeneic) and include stem cells, T cells, and macrophages.

The concept of cell therapy is not entirely new. Its roots can be traced back to the early 20th century when scientists started experimenting with bone marrow transplants to treat blood disorders.

Today, cell therapy is a burgeoning field with numerous clinical trials and commercial products targeting a wide array of diseases. From regenerating heart tissue to enhancing the immune system’s ability to fight cancer, cell therapy holds immense potential for transforming patient care.

Cell separation, Allerion by Akadeum, Targeted Cell Therapy - Designed to Target Anomalous Cells without Affecting Healthy Cells - Conceptual Illustration

Conditions Treated by Cell Therapy

Cell therapy has shown promise in treating many conditions, offering new therapeutic avenues for disease states previously considered untreatable or intractable.


One of the most significant breakthroughs in cell therapy is the development of chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR T) therapy. CAR T cells are engineered to recognize and attack cancer cells, providing a powerful weapon against blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and, more recently, solid tumors. This personalized approach has led to remarkable remission rates in patients who had exhausted all other treatment options.

Autoimmune Diseases

Cell therapy is also making strides treating autoimmune diseases, where the patient’s immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues. Researchers are exploring therapies that modulate or replace dysfunctional immune cells to treat conditions like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. These therapies aim to reduce disease activity and improve patient outcomes by restoring immune balance.

Regenerative Medicine

The field of regenerative medicine utilizes cell therapy to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs. With their ability to differentiate into various cell types, stem cells are at the forefront of this research. Applications include regenerating heart tissue after a myocardial infarction, repairing spinal cord injuries, and treating degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Beyond cancer, autoimmune diseases, and regenerative medicine, cell therapy is being studied for a wide range of other conditions. This includes treating genetic disorders through gene-edited cells, enhancing wound healing, and combating infectious diseases by boosting the immune response.

Challenges in Cell Therapy Research

Despite its immense potential, cell therapy faces several significant challenges that researchers must overcome to bring these therapies from the lab to the clinic.

  1. Complexity and cost: Developing and manufacturing cell therapies is complex and expensive, requiring lengthy, personalized procedures involving cell separation, modification, and expansion.
  2. Scalability: Scaling up production for widespread clinical use faces technology hurdles, is labor-intensive and time-consuming, demanding adherence to stringent quality standards.
  3. Quality control: High-quality control standards are crucial to ensuring safety and effectiveness, requiring robust protocols to minimize variability and ensure reproducibility.
  4. Regulatory hurdles: Navigating the regulatory landscape involves extensive preclinical studies, clinical trials, and rigorous safety testing and documentation.

Luckily, cell therapy researchers and clinical scientists do not have to face these challenges alone. Companies like Akadeum Life Sciences offer the latest cell separation technology to deliver scalable and faster processes with healthier, more viable cells and with products manufactured following rigorous quality standards.

How Akadeum Life Sciences Addresses These Challenges

Akadeum Life Sciences addresses these challenges with its innovative microbubble technology that improves efficiency, scalability, cell health, and quality.

AlerionTM Microbubble Cell Separation System

The AlerionTM Microbubble Cell Separation System utilizes Akadeum’s microbubble technology and the BioRiseTM consumable to isolate specific cell types with high precision and efficiency for cell therapy workflows. This system improves process consistency, reduces costs, and enables scalability with the ability to process billions of cells. The gentle nature of buoyancy contributes to enhanced cell viability and yield, making it ideal for research, cell therapy process development, and cell therapy manufacturing.

Akadeum’s Cell Therapy Product Lineup

Akadeum Life Sciences offers a comprehensive lineup of cell therapy products designed to support various cell therapy research and development stages. We tailor each of our products to meet specific cell separation needs of the cell therapy workflow, ensuring high performance and repeatability. Kits are available in Research, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), and Clinical Ready (CR) formats to meet researchers at every stage of cell therapy development.

Human T Cell Leukopak Isolation Kit (Research, GMP): This kit isolates truly untouched T cells directly from leukopak samples via negative selection, making it ideally suited for therapeutic development. High purity, yield, cell health, and consistency are crucial for producing safe and effective T cell therapies.

Human T Cell Depletion Kit (Research, GMP, CR): This positive selection kit is designed to remove unedited T cells from CAR T cultures, an essential step to ensuring highly pure engineered cells for downstream formulation in cell therapy. The kit provides high purity and yield, using a gentle process that preserves cell viability and functionality.

Human T Cell Selection, Activation, and Expansion (SAE) Kit (Research, GMP, CR): This positive selection kit is used for selecting and expanding large numbers of highly activated and transduced T cells, a critical step in CAR T cell therapy. The kit streamlines the workflow, combining selection, activation, and expansion into a single process.

Akadeum also offers additional kits for various cell therapy applications, each designed to provide high performance and reproducibility.

The Promise of Cell Therapy

Cell therapy is revolutionizing medicine by offering new treatments for conditions like cancer, autoimmune diseases, and tissue regeneration. Despite the complexity, scalability, and regulatory challenges, the potential benefits are immense.

Akadeum Life Sciences is leading the way with our Alerion™ Microbubble Cell Separation System, which enhances cell therapy manufacturing efficiency by enabling high-quality cell separation in a gentle manner. Our product lineup addresses critical cell therapy research and manufacturing needs. As cell therapy continues to evolve, these kits will be instrumental in overcoming existing barriers and paving the way for innovative treatments. Visit our product pages or contact our team for further information about how our products can support your cell therapy research and development. Together, we can harness the power of cell therapy to create a healthier future.


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