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Human T Cell Selection, Activation, and Expansion Kit

SKU: 13310-221GMP

Ellis, JS., et al.Novel Workflow for Activation and Expansion of T Cells Using Microbubble Technology.” The Journal of Immunology 2023; 210(1): 249.16.

Snow, T., et al.Flotation-Based T Cell Isolation, Activation, and Expansion from Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Samples Using Microbubbles.” JoVE 2022; 190: e64573.


Human T Cell Leukopak Isolation Kit

SKU: 13310-221

Grimley, E., et al.Buoyancy Activated Cell Separation (BACS™) Microbubbles for Lysis and Ficoll Free Processing of Leukopaks.” The Journal of Immunology 2022; 208(1): 173.17.


Mouse B Cell Isolation Kit

SKU: 12210-110

Rastogi, I., et al.B cells require licensing by dendritic cells to serve as primary antigen-presenting cells for plasmid DNA.” Oncoimmunology. 2023; 12(1): 2212550.

  • This study demonstrates that B cells transcribe and translate antigens encoded by plasmid DNA following passive uptake but require licensing by live Dendritic cells to present antigen to CD8 T cells.
  • Mouse B cells were used in this study and isolated from splenocytes using Akadeum’s Mouse B Cell Isolation Kit (12210-110)

Jeon, D., et al. Toll-like receptor agonist combinations augment mouse T-cell anti-tumor immunity via IL-12- and interferon ß-mediated suppression of immune checkpoint receptor expression.” Oncoimmunology. 2022; 11(1): 2054758.

  • Download the full article here: KONI_11_2054758.pdf (
  • This study provides a mechanistic rationale for the choice of optimal combinations of TLR ligands to use as adjuvants to improve the efficacy of anti-tumor vaccines.
  • Mouse B cells were used for this study and enriched from splenocytes of six- to ten-week-old C57BL/6 mice using Akadeum’s Mouse B Cell Isolation Kit (12210-110).

Brooks, J., et al.Negative feedback by NUR77/Nr4a1 restrains B cell clonal dominance during early T-dependent immune responses” Cell Rep. 2021; 36(9): 109645.

  • Download the full article here: (PDF)
  • This study shows that NUR77 expression scales with antigen stimulation and restrains B cell expansion to preserve early clonal diversity in order to limit holes in the post-immune repertoire and to optimize GC selection.
  • In this study, mouse B cells were purified using Akadeum’s Mouse B Cell Isolation Kit (12210-110).


Mouse CD4+ T Cell Isolation

SKU: 12210-130

Milne, S., et al.Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein reactive Th17 cells drive Janus Kinase 1 dependent transcriptional reprogramming in astrocytes and alter cell surface cytokine receptor profiles during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.” Sci Rep. 2024; 14: 13146.

  • This study provides evidence of Th17 cell reprogramming of astrocytes, which may drive changes in the astrocytic responsiveness to cytokines during autoimmune neuroinflammation.
  • In this study, mouse CD4+ T cells were isolated from cultured and polarized astrocytes using Akadeum’s Mouse CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit (12210-130).


Streptavidin Microbubbles Kit

SKU: 11110-000

Fan, C., et al.Cis-regulatory evolution of the recently expanded Ly49 gene family.” Nat Commun. 2024; 15: 4839.

  • This study identified a set of cis-regulatory elements (CREs) for activating Ly49genes and shows that in mice, inhibitory and activating Ly49genes are regulated by two separate sets of proximal CREs, likely resulting from lineage-specific losses of CRE activity.
  • T reg cells were isolated from mouse spleens using Akadeum’s Streptavidin Microbubble Kit (11110-000) and biotinylated CD3 and CD45R antibodies.

Fang, L., et al.Vascular restoration through local delivery of angiogenic factors stimulates bone regeneration in critical size defects” Bioactive Materials. 2024; 36: 580-594.

  • This study demonstrates that the local delivery of Spp1 and Cxcl12 enhanced angiogenesis, accelerated bone repair, and mitigated pain responses in mice.
  • In this study, the regenerative tissues from the defect gap were harvested and dissociated. The erythrocytes were removed using anti-GYPA and Akadeum’s Streptavidin Microbubbles (11110-000)

Lun, M., et al.Focused x-ray luminescence imaging system for small animals based on a rotary gantry.” J Biomed Opt. 2021; 26(3): 036004.

  • Download the full article here: JBO-026-036004.pdf ( (PDF)
  • This study demonstrates that the designed FXLT scanner, synthesized nanophosphors, and deep-learning-based reconstruction algorithm show great potential for the high-resolution molecular imaging of small animals.
  • In this study, Akadeum’s Streptavidin Microbubbles (11110-000) were used for nanophosphors binding in post functionalization steps.

Lun, M., et al.X-ray luminescence imaging for small animals” Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2020; 11224: 112240F.

  • Download the full article here: nihms-1555126.pdf (PDF)
  • This study shows results of building a focused x-ray luminescence tomography (FXLT) imaging system, developing a machine-learning based FXLT reconstruction algorithm, and synthesizing nanophosphors with different emission wavelengths.
  • In this study, Akadeum’s Streptavidin Microbubbles (11110-000) were used for nanophosphors binding in post functionalization steps.


Agilent Kit: Viral DNA-RNA Wastewater Prep Kit

Part Number: 5610-2214/5610-2214

(Agilent kit commercialized by our partner Agilent Technologies.)

Raynie, D., et al. New Sample Preparation Products and Accessories for 2024.“ LCGC International 2024; 1(5): 28-33.

Radenovic, S., et al.Development of a Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Assay using Buoyant and Magnetic (BAM) Beads.” 2023; Clemson University 2023; 7.

Wegner, C., et al.Microbubbles for improved nucleic acid extraction in wastewater samples for viral RNA detection.” medRxiv2022; 7(10): 22277342.

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